Now, type "p" to create a primary partition. 现在,输入“p”来创建一个主分区。
Thus, if you add a primary partition, it's possible that no partition numbers will change; but if you add a logical partition, all your other logical partitions'numbers may change. 因此,如果您添加一个主分区,分区编号也有可能不会改变,但是如果您要添加一个逻辑分区,您所有的其他逻辑分区变化都会改变。
For example, if a container JVM fails while processing a message, the onMessage method will be executed again on the new primary partition once it is promoted. 例如,如果一个容器JVM在处理一条消息时失败,那么onMessage方法将在新的主分区被提升后在该分区上再次执行。
However, note that you can only disable swap that is not currently in use, and it is not possible to disable the primary swap partition. 然而要注意,您只能禁用当前未使用的交换分区,并且不能禁用主交换分区。
A PReP partition should be the first primary partition on one of the SCSI drives& preferably the first ( naming the partition sda1). 在其中一个SCSI驱动器上,PReP分区应该是第一个主分区&最好是第一个分区(将分区被命名为SDA1)。
Some notes: if you need to create more than four partitions, remember to toggle the "Primary Partition" option after creating your boot volume. 一些注意事项:如果需要创建的分区多于四个,那么请记住在创建引导卷之后切换掉“PrimaryPartition”选项。
Paging will normally be provided by the primary paging VIOS partition. 正常情况下,由主分页VIOS分区提供分页功能。
If the primary paging VIOS partition is shut down or you force a manual switch, a failover to the secondary paging VIOS partition is performed. 如果主分页VIOS分区停止运行或者执行手工切换,就向从分页VIOS分区执行故障转移。
If you need more than four partitions, give away one primary partition to create an extended partition. 如果需要超过4个分区,就需要放弃一个主分区来创建一个扩展分区。
To balance the I/ O load that can be caused by paging activities, the primary and secondary paging VIOS can be set individually for each shared memory partition. 为了平衡分页活动产生的I/O负载,可以为每个共享内存分区分别设置主和从分页VIOS分区。
As configured, each message is replicated once in another grid JVM and will be processed there if a primary partition goes down. 根据配置,每条消息都将在另一个网格JVM中复制一次并在主分区停用时在那里处理。
Some operating systems, such as Windows, must boot from a primary partition. 有些操作系统,比如Windows,必须从主分区引导。
When you change the primary and secondary setting in an existing partition profile, the partition needs to be reactivated to pick up the changes. 如果修改了现有分区概要文件中的主/从设置,需要重新激活分区,修改才能生效。
If the database designer has created a Primary Partition Index on a table, queries should incorporate the partitioning column. 如果数据库设计者已在表上创建了主分区索引,那么查询应当与分区列结合。
Or it may have a single primary partition/ dev/ sda1 and an extended partition/ dev/ sda2. 也可以有一个主分区/dev/sda1和一个扩展分区/dev/sda2。
When more than four partitions are required, as is often the case, one of the primary partitions must instead become an extended partition. 如果需要4个以上的主分区(往往需要4个以上的主分区),其中一个主分区就必须以扩展分区的形式出现。
If you want to take space from a logical partition to give it to a primary partition or vice versa, you must explicitly resize the extended partition that surrounds the logical partitions. 如果您想要从逻辑分区腾出空间给主分区,您必须显式地调整围绕逻辑分区的扩展分区,反之一样。
Either loader is installed at the MBR or at the first sector of the active primary partition. 加载程序不是安装在MBR中,就是安装在活动主分区的第一个扇区中。
However, you have the ability to override the defaults and define the primary and secondary paging VIOS individually for each shared memory partition. 但是,可以修改默认设置,为每个共享内存分区分别定义主和从分页VIOS。
For example, to balance the load between the two paging VIOS partitions you can set the primary and secondary paging VIOS individually for each partition. 例如,为了在两个分页VIOS分区之间平衡负载,可以为每个分区分别设置主和从分页VIOS。
So, on this system,( hd0,0) represents the Windows primary partition/ dev/ sda1, while ( hd0,9) represents the Slackware logical partition/ dev/ sda10. 因此,在这个系统上,(hd0,0)代表Windows主分区/dev/sda1,而(hd0,9)代表Slackware逻辑分区/dev/sda10。
However, no matter how much we are divided into districts, either using a SCSI or IDE hard disk drives, hard drives must be the primary partition to set active partition, this is the only way through your system hard disk. 不过,不论我们划分了多少个分区,也不论使用的是SCSI硬盘还是IDE硬盘,都必须把硬盘的主分区设定为活动分区,这样才能够通过硬盘启动系统。
Primary key column '% s' cannot be excluded from a vertical partition. 主键列''%1!''不能从垂直分区中排除。
Creates a primary or extended partition or logical drive on this basic disk 在基本磁盘上创建主磁盘分区、扩展磁盘分区或逻辑驱动器
This procedure will create on the target SD card a primary partition for a FAT16 filesystem on the first partition, and a primary partition for a ext2/ ext3 filesystem on the second partition. 这一程序将创建目标的SD卡主分区为FAT16文件系统的第一个分区,主分区为ext2/ext3文件系统的第二个分区。
What you need at the least is one primary partition which contains the root and one for swap. 至少需要有一个包含了根的主分区和一个交换分区。
Create a primary Linux type partition on the second partition. 建立了基本的Linux类型分区的第二个分区。
To derive and built the mathematical model of the flow distribution in multilayer fracture, which make up of primary partition and real time reassign according to the feature of multiple fractures; 根据多层压裂的特点,推导和建立了多层压裂改造时各产层进液量分配的数学模型,该模型包括流量的初始分配和实时再分配;
Voltage hierarchical control is a great formula to solve the problem of the modern complex power system, and its primary concern is to partition power system into several control areas. 分级电压控制是解决现代复杂电力系统的电压控制问题较有效的方案,其首要问题是对系统进行电压控制区域划分。